America's Heroes
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Online Membership Application Process
There are four easy steps to our online membership process. Please have a digital copy of your documentation ready to upload. Please allow 1 year for the complete processing and delivery of your welcome package.
Step 1: Complete a Membership Application Online (and submit Life Member Application Fees) Complete the membership registration, ensuring all required information is provided.
Select Chapter 1513 Dallas Fort Worth as your requested chapter.
Pay one-time Life Member Application Fees of $200.00. Fees Submitted with Applications for Membership are NON-REFUNDABLE
Step 2: Submit Proof of Purple Heart Award and Honorable Service. An email will be sent once the application is received. Please respond to the email attaching the required document/s. A copy of the documentation submitted will be retained on file for future reference.
Step 3: Eligibility Review Process by the National Adjutant If documentation MEETS eligibility requirements, the application will be processed for membership and you will receive a notification email welcoming you to the MOPH. If documentation DOES NOT MEET eligibility requirements, notification will be sent with reason/s for disapproval and steps needed if any to resubmit documentation.
Step 4: Notification of Membership Your membership will be activated and you will be notified by email of your membership number and chapter assignment. A new member packet with your permanent membership card, membership certificate, and additional information on MOPH will follow this initial notification. Please allow 1 year for processing and delivery A copy of your documentation will be retained on file for future reference. All applications are subject to verification with the National Personnel Records Center.
If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact
The Membership Desk at:
Snail Mail: MOPH Headquarters, Membership Department,
5413-B Backlick Road, Springfield, VA 22151-3960
Phone: 703-642-5360 x109,128 or 106;
Fax: 703-642-1841
All person who have been awarded the Purple Heart Medal by the Government of the United States AND are not dishonorably discharged are eligible for active membership in the Military Order of the Purple Heart of the U.S.A.
COMPLETE and SUBMIT an Online Application Form

Chapter 1513 at the Texas Rangers Game May 2023